- Expiration dates are listed in every title for you. Just click on the listing for a complete view of the title. Dates mean nothing to us. You order it, we'll cut it. We offer expired coupons .
- It's very hard to make a mistake as you have to read the listing to add a coupon to your shopping cart.
The site is very easy to use. You can add an item right away or you can click on any listing to view the complete description as the previews will only show a part of the title. When you click on a listing you will see the items current inventory in real time, price, expiration date, when it will start shipping, email it to a friend links and more. The listings also have "quick view" that will show up if you hover over the center of the picture. Be sure to look at the expiration dates as we do offer expired coupons. Many of our customers use the category drop down menus to view each weeks coupons and most of our extreme couponers use the product list page to view the complete master selection on one page.
You can always use the search box if you know what you are looking for. Just keep it short and enter the the brand of what you are looking for. One word is best, like Tide, Crest, Gain, Loreal,Cat, Finsh, Almay or Friskies . Words like pet food or detergent may not bring up anything.
How Many Coupons Do I Get ?
We clip in counts of 15 coupons. When we offer coupons in strip form, you will get 15 strips, that’s 15 of each coupon. EXAMPLE: "15 Coupons $5/1 Blue Dry Dog or Cat Food 5lbs+ $1/2 Blue Wet Dog or Cat Food + $1/1 Blue Dog or Cat Treats 2/16/2023". You get 15 of each of the 3 Blue Buffalo coupons for one low price. They all expire on 2/16/2023.